
AmazonS3Inventorycosts$0.0025permillionobjectslisted,whileS3AnalyticsStorageClassAnalysiscosts$0.10permillionobjectsmonitoredpermonth,and ...,AmazonS3定價;下一個450TB/月,每GB0.022USD;高於500TB/月,每GB0.021USD;S3Intelligent-Tiering*–針對具有不明存取模式或變更存取模式的資料自動節省成本.,AmazonS3pricing;S3Standard-Generalpurposestorageforanytypeofdata,typicallyusedforfrequentlyaccesseddata;First5...

The Ultimate Guide to S3 Pricing

Amazon S3 Inventory costs $0.0025 per million objects listed, while S3 Analytics Storage Class Analysis costs $0.10 per million objects monitored per month, and ...

Amazon S3 Simple Storage Service 定價

Amazon S3 定價 ; 下一個450 TB/月, 每GB 0.022 USD ; 高於500 TB/月, 每GB 0.021 USD ; S3 Intelligent-Tiering * – 針對具有不明存取模式或變更存取模式的資料自動節省成本.

Amazon S3 Simple Storage Service Pricing

Amazon S3 pricing ; S3 Standard - General purpose storage for any type of data, typically used for frequently accessed data ; First 50 TB / Month, $0.023 per GB.

Amazon S3价格_AWS云存储服务

Amazon S3 成本组成部分包括存储定价、请求和数据检索定价、数据传输和传输加速定价、数据管理和见解功能定价、复制定价以及转换和查询功能定价。

Understanding Amazon S3 Pricing

2024年2月1日 — Pricing for S3 Standard · Storage: $0.023 per GB for the first 50 TB, $0.022 per GB for the next 450 TB, $0.021 per GB for storage over 500 TB.

5 Components of AWS S3 Storage Pricing

AWS S3 uses a pay-per-use pricing model, with no upfront charges and no minimum fee. The more storage you use, the lower the AWS S3 costs will typically be per ...

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

With Amazon S3, you pay only for the storage you use, with no minimum fee. Prices are based on the region of your Amazon S3 bucket. When you begin to estimate ...

Amazon S3 Pricing

Amazon S3 Pricing ; Next 49 TB / month, ¥ 0.163 per GB ; Next 450 TB / month, ¥ 0.160 per GB ; Next 500 TB / month, ¥ 0.157 per GB ; Next 4000 TB / month, ¥ 0.155 ...

The Essential Guide to AWS S3 Pricing

2022年2月25日 — Transferring from one S3 geo to another ($0.02/GB) is far cheaper than taking your AWS data and shifting to another provider (e.g., $0.09/GB up ...

The No BS Guide To Understanding S3 Storage Costs (2024)

2023年7月21日 — Pricing for Amazon S3 Standard Storage is tiered; you pay $0.023 per GB per month for the first 50 TB per month. The Next 450 TB tier starts at ...